Clarity, delivered in a single report

Comprehensive background check report for anybody, anywhere

  • Gain insights about any person or a company
  • Worldwide coverage
  • Gain confidence with tangible data
  • Distinguish namesakes

Why use our screening report

Screen any person or company

We provide a background check focused on people and also companies

Comprehensive data

Our reports provide detailed information gathered from diverse sources

Namesakes distinction

We can distinguish two people with the same name automatically, letting you focus on the important tasks

Trusted results

Each report is reviewed by risk compliance experts, ensuring quality of the delivered product

How it works


Fill out a screening request form

Specify who should we check out for you


Place Your Order

We’ll confirm your order and payment information


Receive Your Report

You will receive a comprehensive screening report directly to your email as a PDF attachment

Still not convinced?

Check out one of our free reports so you can see how comprehensive our screening process is

Screening request

Here you can order a target screening by filling out a simple request form

Name of the person or company we will check out for you

Where the screened person resides most often. Please specify a country name

We will send you the screening report on this email


This is a one-time fee for the background check report. The finished report will be delivered to the specified email address within 24 hours of recieving payment

You will be redirected to our secure payment provider's page to complete your order

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