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This website can help you with the use of Adversea API. We expose all of our service via HTTP endpoints accessible with your adversea API key. These endpoints can be used by any HTTP client.

API basic information

You can use our API via a credit system. On your profile page, you can top up your credit by an arbitrary amount and then by using any of your generated API keys, your current credit will decrease by the price of the HTTP endpoint you just called.

For example: Your current credit on your adversea profile is 2 €. You top up your credit by 5 €, so your credit on adversea will be 7 €. You then generate an API key. You decide to use your API key for our media report API endpoint, which costs 0.99 € for a single successfull HTTP call. This price will be deducted from your total adversea credit, which means that after this screening action, your total credit will be 6.01 €.

How to get an API key

To generate an API key, you need an adversea account. Create one and login via this page. After that, please visit your profile page where you can generate API keys and revoke existing ones.